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Mt Laotie area south remote coast. Work-boats on ocean. Study shows invigorating sunlight reflection across the sea with shadows of fishermen working within this light.   ID£º115318-04200 Óæ´¬ ¡¡¡¡Í¼Æ¬À´Ô´£ºCCN...

North-Island NZ-West Coast-35km Due west of Auckland
The sense of surreality is fueled by the feeling of being inwardly destroyed which is the climax of the feeling of being inwardly isolated ¨C as though in solita...

Marine Reserve ¨C coastal walk ¨C long Bay ¨C Okura-Auckland east coast beaches ¨C North Island ¨C NZ 
The rhythmic landscape lines seen in the resulting images provide starting ¨C point for composition of gra...

Dalian city ¨C Photo Catalog ¨C CN.41
Main part of 22nd Fashion Parade on streets. This catalog targets some thirty two floats in muster. All were lantern types with none showing moving parts ¨C due to being night ...

Dalian central city.
For viewers general collection in post card style and activity of park not compete embodiment. Also fun park at rear with rides.   ID£º115318-04104 ´óÁ¬ÀͶ¯¹«Ô° ¡¡¡¡Í¼Æ¬À´Ô´£ºCCN´«Ã½Í...


Dalian labour park central city. Card play by Chinese citizen in relaxed environment activity collective as club or culture. Noted card play found in most parts of china.
 In foreign west card play almost vanis...

Summertime at Xiajiahe beach ¨C north west coast Dalian. Safe-calm-clean swim area. Study of families at play in the swim. Popular beach go put on your must visit list.   ID£º115318-04167 ÓÎÓ¾ ¡¡¡¡Í¼Æ¬À´Ô´£ºCCN...

Dalian city view to south side. Study of light falling functions across city. Broad wide strategies with shoot ¨C contributing shadows. Le Johnno ¨C Sept ¨C 2011   ID£º115318-04183 ´óÁ¬Êо° ¡¡¡¡Í¼Æ¬À´Ô´£ºCCN´«Ã½...

Mt Laotie town south remote coast. Industry fish. One horse town. Effectively multi-functional collective smooth operation of exporting fish.   ID£º115318-04234 Óæ´å ¡¡¡¡Í¼Æ¬À´Ô´£ºCCN´«Ã½Í¼Æ¬Íø ÀÖ½¾°Á 


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